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Table 1 Lecture topics

From: New concepts in neurology education: successful implementation of flipped classroom lectures

Introduction, Metabolic diseases of the CNS

Autoimmune diseases of the CNS 1: Multiple sclerosis

Autoimmune diseases of the CNS 2: limbic encephalitis, paraneoplastic diseases

Infections of the CNS: meningitis, encephalitis (e.g. lyme disease, HIV, zoster)

Dizziness, vertigo

Primary headache

Neuropathic pain, facial pain

Differential diagnoses spinal syndromes

Cerebrovascular diseases 1: ischemic stroke

Cerebrovascular diseases 2: hemorrhagic stroke

Cranial nerve syndromes

Hypokinetic movement disorders 1: IPS

Hypokinetic movement disorders 2: APS

Hyperkinetic movement disorders: tremor, dystonia

Sleep disorders, RLS, narcolepsy

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system and muscles

Dysimmune neuropathies

Motor neuron disease

Neuromuscular diseases: myasthenia, lambert eaton syndrome

Chorea, ataxia



Irreversible loss of brain function