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Table 2 Main results for healthy subjects and de novo Parkinson patients (PD) in group comparison

From: Conditioned pain modulation in drug-naïve patients with de novo Parkinson’s disease


(mean, standard deviation, [Min-Max])

Healthy subjects

(n = 17)

De novo Parkinson patients

(n = 17)

Group comparison Healthy subjects vs. De novo



61.7+/−  9.8 [45–75]

61.9 +/−  9.8 [42–75]

t(32) = − 0.070, p = 0.945


10 male, 7 female

10 male, 7 female


24.6 +/− SD 3.0 [17–29]

21.1 +/− 4.0 [15–29]

t(32) = 2.848, p= 0.008

HADS subscale depression

1.3 +/− 1.3 [0–4]

3.5 +/− 2.5 [0–9]

U = 227.5, z = 2.901, p= 0.003

HADS subscale anxiety

2.2 +/− 2.1 [0–6]

4.5 +/− 4.3 [0–14]

U = 187.5, z = 1.498, p = 0.140

Mean stimulation temperature

48.2 +/− 0.8 [47.0–49.5]

47.9 +/−  0.9 [45.5–49.0]

U = 80.5, z = − 0.739, p = 0.478

Mean pain intensity

Block 1 [VAS 0–100]

55.9 +/−  8.8 [38.7–67.0]

60.8 +/−  12.1 [37.8–86.8]

t(32) = − 1.380, p = 0.177

Cold pain rating Block 2 [VAS 0–100]

74.8 +/−  18.3 [29–97]

58.7+/−  27.4 [14–96]

t(27.874) = 2.023, p = 0.053*


Rating Day 1 [− 1 to + 1]

− 0.2 +/−  0.4 [− 0.8–0.5]

0.1 +/−  0.4 [− 0.7–0.9]

t(32) = −2.609, p= 0.014

CPM Magnitude

3.1 +/− 6.4 [− 5.1–13.3]

1.7 +/−  6.7 [− 9.8–13.9]

t(32) = 0.611, p = 0.545

  1. Significant results are marked in bold
  2. Abbreviations: UPDRS Unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale, HADS Hospital anxiety and depression score, PANDA Parkinson neuropsychometric dementia assessment
  3. *= P-value and degree of freedom corrected for unequal variances