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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Mechanical thrombectomy in patients with cervical artery dissection and stroke in the anterior or posterior circulation – a multicenter analysis from the German Stroke Registry


No CAD, n = 2527

CAD, n = 62



 Age – years, median (IQR), n

76 (65–82), n = 2527

51 (43–57), n = 62


 Female, % (n)

50.9% (1286)

25.8% (16)


Pre-stroke mRS, % (n)


68.0% (1652)

95.2% (59)



12.8% (310)

0% (0)


8.3% (201)

3.2% (2)


6.0% (145)

1.6% (1)


3.5% (86)

0% (0)


1.4% (35)

0% (0)

Current smoking, % (n)

15.0% (332)

24.1% (13)



 NIHSS, median (IQR), n

15 (10–19), n = 2527

14 (7–17), n = 62


Medical history, % (n)


76.8% (1925)

25.8% (16)


 Diabetes mellitus

21.3% (535)

4.8% (3)



34.1% (854)

17.7% (11)


 Atrial fibrillation

41.9% (1049)

1.6% (1)


Medication, % (n)


33.5% (822)

17.7% (11)



21.0% (515)

1.6% (1)


Etiology, % (n)


51.7% (1307)


100.0% (62)

 Large-artery atherosclerosis

25.9% (654)

 Small-vessel occlusion

0.0% (1)

 Stroke of other determined etiology

4.8% (122)

 Stroke of undetermined etiology

17.5% (443)

Direct-to-center, % (n)

52.0% (1313)

54.8% (34)


Symptom onset known, % (n)

61.5% (1553)

74.2% (46)


Time from symptom onset to admission – min, median (IQR), n

127 (59–206), n = 1553

119 (54–185), n = 46


Time from last-seen-well to admission – min, median (IQR), n

357 (202–685), n = 974

283 (200–339), n = 16



 ASPECTS, median (IQR), n

9 (7–10), n = 1904

8 (6–10), n = 37


 Occluded vessel, % (n)


24.5% (614)

45.2% (28)


  MCA, M1

56.7% (1423)

29.0% (18)


  MCA, M2

17.7% (444)

19.4% (12)



2.5% (62)

0.0% (0)



10.2% 255)

19.4% (12)



1.7% (42)

17.7% (11)



2.2% (55)

1.6% (1)


mTICI before thrombectomy, % (n)


85.9% (2088)

86.7% (52)



4.8% (117)

5.0% (3)


2.1% (50)

1.7% (1)


3.1% (75)

5.0% (3)


4.2% (102)

1.7% (1)

Extracranial ICA stenosis (> 70%)

ipsilateral to intracranial vessel

occlusion, % (n/n)

14.1% (334)

46.7% (28)


  1. CAD stands for cervical artery dissection, IQR Interquartile range, mRS Modified Rankin scale, NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, ASPECTS Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score, ICA Internal carotid artery, ACA Anterior cerebral artery, BA Basilar artery, VA Vertebral artery, PCA Posterior cerebral artery, mTICI Modified Treatment in Cerebral Infarction