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Table 1 Dosages of intravenous anesthetics, adopted and modified from [2]

From: Super-refractory status epilepticus in adults

1. Midazolam: 0.2 mg/kg BW i.v. as bolus, pragmatically: ≥ 50 kg BW: 10 mg, ≥ 70 kg BW 14 mg, ≥ 100 kg BW 20 mg, maintenance dose ca. 0.1–0.5 mg/kg/h for 24 h

2. Propofol: 2 mg/kg BW i.v. as bolus, pragmatically: ≥ 50 kg BW: 100 mg, ≥ 70 kg BW 140 mg, ≥ 100 kg BW200 mg, maintenance dose 4–10 mg/kg/h for 24 h

3. Thiopental: 5 mg/kg BW i.v. as bolus, pragmatically: ≥ 50 kg BW: 250 mg, ≥ 70 kg BW 350 mg, ≥ 100 kg BW 500 mg, maintenance dose ca. 3–7 mg/kg/h for 24 h

4. Ketamine: 2 mg/kg i.v. as bolus, pragmatically: ≥ 50 kg BW: 100 mg, ≥ 70 kg BW 140 mg, ≥ 100 kg BW 200 mg, maintenance dose 1–7 mg/kg/h for 24 h, to prevent nightmares as side effect always in combination with midazolam according to 1

5. Phenobarbital: 15–20 mg/kg BW i.v., max. 100 mg/min, target serum levels: 30–50 µg/ml

  1. mg milligram; kg kilogram; BW body weight; h hour; µg mikrogram; ml milliliter