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Table 3 Characterization of the validation cohort (391 patients with ischemic stroke and stroke-associated infection)

From: Derivation and validation of a screening tool for stroke-associated sepsis

Baseline data


Age, year, median (Q1-Q3)

80 (71–86)

Sex, female

220 (56.3)

Arterial hypertension

335 (85.7)


265 (67.8)

Atrial fibrillation

200 (51.2)


78 (19.9)

Diabetes mellitus

125 (32.0)

Charlson comorbidity index score, median (Q1-Q3)

2 (1–3)

Premorbid mRS, median (Q1-Q3)

1 (0–3)

Stroke characteristics and treatment


NIHSS score at admission, median (Q1-Q3)

10 (5–17)

ASPECTS at admission, median (Q1-Q3)

7 (5–9)

Occlusion of large intracranial arteries

203 (51.9)

Middle cerebral artery, M1 segment

88 (43.3)

Middle cerebral artery, M2 segment

52 (25.6)

Intracranial internal carotid artery

35 (17.2)

Basilar artery

13 (6.4)


15 (7.4)

Stroke etiology



155 (39.6)

Large artery arteriosclerosis

61 (15.6)

Small vessel disease

19 (4.9)

Other determined etiology

17 (4.3)

Undetermined etiology

139 (35.5)

Intravenous thrombolysis

97 (24.8)

Endovascular therapy

145 (37.1)

General anesthesia for endovascular therapy

137 (95.1)

Symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after intravenous thrombolysis or endovascular therapy

18 (9.5)

Treatment limitations



147 (37.6)


132 (33.8)

Time from admission to DNR/DNI order, days, median (Q1-Q3)

2 (1–5)

Further treatment limitations including comfort measures only

79 (20.2)

Time from admission to further treatment limitations, days, median (Q1-Q3)

7 (3–15)

Stroke-associated infection


Time from admission to diagnosis of infection, days, median (Q1-Q3)

3 (2–6)

Source of infection


Pneumonia (clinical diagnosis)

186 (47.6)

Pneumonia (according to PISCES criteria)

135 (34.5)

Urinary tract infection (clinical diagnosis)

170 (43.5)

Urinary tract infection (according to CDC criteria)

18 (4.6)


31 (7.9)


41 (10.5)


17 (4.3)

Evidence of a pathogenic organism in body fluid cultures

198 (50.6)

Antibiotic therapy

370 (94.6)

Time from diagnosis of infection to antibiotic therapy, hours, median (Q1-Q3)

1.4 (0.13–4.12)

Sepsis (diagnosis according to Sepsis-3 definition)

129 (33.0)

Clinical outcome at discharge


NIHSS, median (Q1-Q3)

5 (3–11)

mRS, median (Q1-Q3)

4 (3–5)

Barthel index, median (Q1-Q3)

25 (10-62.5)

Length of stay, d, median (Q1-Q3)

13 (7–19)

ICU treatment

95 (24.3)


72 (18.4)

Clinical outcome at 3 months


mRS, median (Q1-Q3)

5 (3–6)

mRS 0

4 (1.0)

mRS 1

21 (5.4)

mRS 2

20 (5.1)

mRS 3

56 (14.4)

mRS 4

87 (22.3)

mRS 5

60 (15.3)

Death (mRS 6)

142 (36.3)

Functional independency (mRS 0–2)

45 (11.5)

Unfavourable outcome (mRS 4–6)

289 (74.1)

Poor outcome (mRS 5–6)

202 (51.7)

  1. Results are presented as n (%) unless indicated otherwise for certain variables. Abbreviations: ASPECTS = Alberta Stroke Programme Early Computed Tomography Score, CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019, DNI = Do not intubate, DNR = Do not resuscitate, ICU = intensive care unit. mRS = modified Rankin Scale, NIHSS = National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, PISCES = Pneumonia in Stroke Consensus
  2. Other occlusions of large intracranial arteries include vertebral artery, P1/2 segment of the posterior cerebral artery, and A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery